Stadium Masters

Vorgee Endurance 1000

The Vorgee Endurance 1000 (e1000) program is a swimming program designed to encourage people to complete swims in distances 400m, 800m and 1500m and durations up to 60 minutes in a variety of strokes, and at the same time earn points for our club. 


These swims are completed over a calendar year. The program is entirely optional, and points are awarded according to age group and gender.  Taking part in the program will enable swimmers to build aerobic fitness.


The total number of swims that can be completed is 62.

  • 5 x 400m and 5 x 800m swims in each of the following strokes – Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly and IM
  • 1 x 1500m swim in each of the following strokes – Freestyle, Backstroke, and Breaststroke.
  • 1 x 30-minute, 1 x 45-minute, 1 x 60-minute swim in each of the following strokes – Freestyle, Backstroke, and Breaststroke.


Only one 400 and one 800 in each stroke can be completed in each calendar month, along with any of the duration swims. Swimmers can choose to complete as many swims as they wish. Completed swims are entered into the MSWA results portal by the Assistant Club Recorder at the end of each quarter.


Points are gained for the completion of each swim.  These are added to points gained by fellow club members and contribute to a total point score for each competing club.  The highest scoring club will then be declared the Vorgee Endurance 1000 State and National Champion Club.


Instructions for Completion of E1000 Program available here

Full sets of Endurance 1000 swim sheets for both Short Course and Long Course are available here 

Please use the Stadium Masters cover sheet to summarise your completed swims available here

Blank E1000 sheets and cover sheets for completion are available from the E1000 file in the Stadium Masters cage for swimmers without access to computers.


When completing swims, please ensure that the timekeeper (who should be a Masters club member) records a time for each 100m in a long course pool and each 50m in a short course pool.  The sheet should be dated and signed clearly by the timekeeper. 

E1000 timing sessions: Thursday 9:30am to 10:30am and Saturday 12:30pm to 1:30pm


Sheets should be kept in your own swimming file and, at the end of each quarter, left in the club cage for collection by the Assistant Recorder. Once the Assistant Recorder has uploaded the times onto the E1000 portal on the Masters Swimming Website, swimmers are encouraged to check for errors and advise the Assistant Recorder.


Click here to find out more about the Masters Swimming Endurance 1000 program

Stadium Masters Swimming Club

Located at HBF Stadium Mount Claremont

ABN: 55 280 850 346

Website created with iPerks